If you are local to the zip code 17268 (Waynesboro PA) I offer free local pickup
If you would like to do free local pickup from the address 145 W Third Street - The Velvet Cafe in Waynesboro PA you will need to use the code LOCAL ONLY to skip any shipping fees. You will get an email once your items are ready for pickup stating that your item(s) have shipped, but if you use the code, your items will NOT ship, they will be available for pickup at The Velvet Cafe during their business hours which are:
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday - Friday 11am - 7:30pm
Saturday 7am - 7:30pm
Sunday 11am - 2pm

Shop Information
I try to update my website with new inventory every 4-6 weeks. Every piece is handmade and one of a kind! I always set a date and time that items will be available at least a week in advance. I post the date and time on my social media accounts. To make sure that you never miss any important information or release dates, subscribe to my newsletter above!

Pottery Information
I like to make art that will brighten your mornings, evenings, and everything in between! All items that you can eat from or drink out of are microwave and dishwasher safe! Although, handwashing is recommended to prolong the life of your piece(s).

Newsprint Transfers
Each design that you see on my products start out on paper like above! I use underglaze to draw on newsprint which is then filled in with colored slip for all those vibrant colors you see! The designs on newsprint are then transferred onto the pot by burnishing the paper with a rubber rib!

Meet the Artist
Hiya! My name is Lexi. Welcome to my corner of the internet! I always like to say that my mission is to make art that makes me and my customers happy! I want you all to feel like you are purchasing a little slice of happiness to use in your daily life!
My Story
I started working with clay in June of 2016 right after I graduated high school and started selling my work in October of 2017. My art teacher in high school recommended that I join my local pottery studio, so I did, and I am so happy that I joined! I have since moved to my own home studio and I am so grateful for everyone who helped get me here!
I participate in shows to sell my work from May to November every year and I also sell my work through my website (where you are!). I try to do monthly updates on my website and I post dates and times that they happen through my newsletter and on social media! I am located in Waynesboro PA, so if you live in the area and are free when I am having a show I would love to see you!
I am currently a ceramics teacher at the Chambersburg High School (my dream job!). I took a two year gap between high school and college and I am so happy I did! I found pottery during that time and built a small business. That period in my life taught me a lot of lessons that I am really grateful for.
One of those lessons is the meaning behind my business name: Blue Lemonade. When I started pottery I was very depressed (or blue, as some may say). It numbed me, drained me, and controlled me for a long time. Until I started making pottery. Making something completely from scratch is very rewarding and having time in the studio helped me work through a lot of trauma. As you can see, my work is very bright, happy, and whimsical and not at all what I was feeling inside. I wanted to bring joy to myself and others through the pottery I created. I started to look at life with light again. I decided to make lemonade when life threw me lemons, my lemons just so happened to be blue.
Thank you to everyone who has a hand in getting me to where I am today! Whether that is purchasing and collecting my work, liking and commenting on social media, sharing my work with friends, or showing up to my events, I appreciate all of you!
- Lexi -